Saturday, August 15, 2009

Food For Thoughts

It's been a while since I added anything to this page, but I was waiting for the world to catch up.
To open your mind to another view is something but when I write what I write I learnt that he truth is the hardest to digest bout yourself.
The reason why that is so is because; we were influenced trough all stages of our lives.
We were taught the way we do it is the way it should be done, by doing so we stand in the way of change.
Yet we still call for a better way, for example the whole health care debate.
One of the things I find strange is that many of those opposed to health care in America proclaim to be Christians.
Well you would think that they would be in the forefront supporting a plan, a plan that will extend health for the less better off.
To say that, you'll be saying that compassion is not a Christian thing.
If Christ is the great healer and Luke was his physician, why be oppose
health care.
Denial of health care is a form of torture, and should part and parcel of the declaration of rights.
It would be the right thing to do, nor matter what faith or colour you're, above all it will be the right humanly thing to do.
What is obvious is many people are caught up between a faith and touring party lines rather than working out what is the humanly thing to do.
Many of those politician are not for the people but act as agents for the pharmaceutical companies.
The pharmaceutical companies are a law onto themselves and holding all the cards stacked in their favour.
While we as the public give charitable for researches, there are the vultures lurking in the background.
The pharmaceutical companies are no different from the bankers and MPs, who don't care whether you lose your homes or in this case your life.
The saving of banks and the motor manufactures, can't be more important than the saving of lives.
With the resent attacks on the health service by leading Tories, we must ask ourselves if they are the Jekyll and Hide party.
We most also ask ourselves if its leader, is actually in charge or he is just the face of a political stunt.
It seams as if Conservatives here and across the pond, spend time opposing without having any practical solutions.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Co-operative - good for everyone

The Co-operative - good for everyone

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What Bankers Should Know

What bankers should know: The simples form of mathematics is fraction not bartering, because the first thing we learn is to share.
The next thing: You add all the parts you have gathered, then find a common denominator, I hope Brown and Obama understand this.
This is the good part: Treat like a woman into the lower part you divide then kiss the top to multiply. May sound funny but how it works.
Before I go any further I don't want my gay friends start writing me and start complaining. I did say lower part or bottom for that matter.
OK: So now if we add up all the top then divide it by the common denominator. We'll have an answer to the sum, I know what you're asking.
I'm thinking did the bankers and chancellors follow these basic rules Got to nip out I'll talk division later and that's will crack you up
Well that was a long nip out, but it's all been good
We've added up everything, we can start sharing out. Everyone should be happy, I think the bankers would know this:
What we'll have to do is replace the division sign and replace it's opposite, which is a multiplication sign
Then turn the following fractional part upside down and multiply to find a sum. In other words give it a kiss then turn it upside down.
Now we can ask the chancellors, bankers and regulators did they follow these basic rules. Or just give it a kiss, if so I see the error.
This will explain why the economy is in trouble, and why they can pay themselves a large wages and excessive bonuses.
Try it yourself just divide half by a quarter without turning it upside down. Then try it with the quarter tuned upside down.
So as you can see if don't turn give it the kiss and turn it upside down the answer will be one eighth. Leaving them with seven eighths.
The lucky bankers but if you've given it a kiss and turn it upside down The answer will be 2, that way we are now showing a profit.
There's only one stupid question left to ask the bankers, can they tell us all which formula did they use? ( Please let us know ?)
I know a little bit about Quantum physics, but Quantum accounting is totally new to me. I think it's something we all need to learn.
That way we can all go gambling in the casino and at the end of the night collect our bonus, for loosing our money.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Twitter / ispear

Twitter / ispear

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Shock as Tanzania teachers caned

BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Shock as Tanzania teachers caned

I love this story for one the teachers would know what the
cane feels like.
Two it might help them to implement butter teaching methods and
practices rather than brute force.
I could imagine the thinking behind this, parents are struggling to
make ends meet.
The teachers spend more time with the children, ah and look what
they are turning out.
They are teaching the wrong things first, ah! so we have to
take some steps.
The next step might to call in some parents and ask how
often do they spend helping their kids, with their school work.
They may also need to call in the education minister and
deputy education minister and ask him or her what provisions
are there in place for helping parent.
As some parents may need help their children, some parent,
the education minister and deputy education minister
might need caning too.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No Tears For Bankers

Lost some sleep last night as I was determine to hear Barack Obama speech, but sadly there was nothing inspiring in what he had to say.
Gordon Brown and Barack Obama have two main things in common, one is they know that something need to be done, and the other is that they don't know what needs to be done.
The first message that's needed to get across is to the bankers, the first is that there is no bonuses to get.
In fact they should be renegotiating their contracts, it's foolish to pay bonuses when there is no profit in any business.
What I now find hard to understand is why was Nick Leeson not allowed to return to Britain but was instead exiled in Germany and then sent to Singapore to face jail.
He might as well be compensated for his services and also for the time he spent in jail.
These guys are no different as far as I am concern, and should not be rewarded.
You must act with your conscience and take action to make sure that these bonuses are not to these bankers.
Any bank paying out such bonus doesn’t need bailing out because business is good.
We the people must act, if you belong to a bank that receive taxpayer’s money and then pay out bonus to these kleptocrats.
The best thing that you and anyone as the ones whose money is bailing them out should and must do is moving your cash out off these banks.
This will be the only bailout they'll need, the simple fact is while you fight to keep your homes their bonus alone can buy them an extra house.
That house might be the one you've had repossessed, if you were paid a higher interest on the money in you bank account, you may not have lost your home.
For the stimulus to work money must be in the hands of the workers, it's a struggle to keep up with the gas, electric bill and other necessities.
We must shed no tears for these bankers, let them buy hankies.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fueling The Fires Of The Racist

It's not so long ago since the slip of the tongue of Tony Blair something the present prime minister made sure he never forget.
That slip of the tongue place Mr.Brown in number 10.
The bold state British jobs for British workers by Gordon Brown should now remove him from number 10.
In this age of political correctness that statement can only strengthen the voices of the racist.
Statements such as that can only come from the manual of the far right political movement.
At the moment anger is directed at European worker I ask myself where will it end.
The wisest thing the prime minister could do is to fall on his sword to ensure that racism is not seen as the way forward in the present economical crisis.
What is needed is change, we've had a change across the pond and a change will also be welcomed here.
The people do not want jumpers, what is need is jobs to keep up with the ever rising cost of fuel and other form of energy.
Suggesting that the people wear more jumpers is nothing more than a damn cheek.
While labour pairs are calling for their appetites to be wet the saliva of the people are drying up.
In that same week the suggestion that A'levels are need to look after children, vocational experience, mothers, grand mothers counts for nothing.
I now ask the question are these people in the New Looney Party lead by Gordon Brown are they for real.
Can they tell us did the social workers in the Baby P and Victoria Colombie were they
A'Level qualified.
I would like to know is if the labour party qualified to make the statements they make, across they may like to ask Obama if his cares were A'level qualified.
It is obvious that they have no idea of bring up children never mine running a country, enough is enough time for CHANGE.
We were promise Education, Education, Education and we got Indoctrination, Indoctrination, Indoctrination so now it's CHANGE, CHANGE,CHANGE and CHANGE

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Bumper Harvest

When people talk about the motor industry, there is only one thing to know and that is there's no need to build another vehicle for the next ten years .
Crazy you might say but think about the numbers that's already on the road, the numbers on the forecourts and amount in both closed and open storage spaces.
What this means is that we've had a bumper car harvest and the price is way' way too high.
If we had a bumper harvest, say apples or grapes were in abundance the price would drop so instead some £15, 000 price tags may be a £1,000 to £1,500 would be wiser.
They in the motor industries should realize maintaining these vehicle will be far to expensive.
To change a bulb on most new cars you'll have to take the vehicle into a garage just to do that, why pay extortionate rates for a car and you can't change the bulb.
There will be great benefits from this it will help the environment give it some time to breath, clear up some of the junk vehicle and recycle them.