Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No Tears For Bankers

Lost some sleep last night as I was determine to hear Barack Obama speech, but sadly there was nothing inspiring in what he had to say.
Gordon Brown and Barack Obama have two main things in common, one is they know that something need to be done, and the other is that they don't know what needs to be done.
The first message that's needed to get across is to the bankers, the first is that there is no bonuses to get.
In fact they should be renegotiating their contracts, it's foolish to pay bonuses when there is no profit in any business.
What I now find hard to understand is why was Nick Leeson not allowed to return to Britain but was instead exiled in Germany and then sent to Singapore to face jail.
He might as well be compensated for his services and also for the time he spent in jail.
These guys are no different as far as I am concern, and should not be rewarded.
You must act with your conscience and take action to make sure that these bonuses are not to these bankers.
Any bank paying out such bonus doesn’t need bailing out because business is good.
We the people must act, if you belong to a bank that receive taxpayer’s money and then pay out bonus to these kleptocrats.
The best thing that you and anyone as the ones whose money is bailing them out should and must do is moving your cash out off these banks.
This will be the only bailout they'll need, the simple fact is while you fight to keep your homes their bonus alone can buy them an extra house.
That house might be the one you've had repossessed, if you were paid a higher interest on the money in you bank account, you may not have lost your home.
For the stimulus to work money must be in the hands of the workers, it's a struggle to keep up with the gas, electric bill and other necessities.
We must shed no tears for these bankers, let them buy hankies.

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