Sunday, January 30, 2011

Burnt Trust

The way many black parent think or look at establishments are drawn from experience. We may think with all the political correctness spin, racism is on the back burner, far from it. All it as serve to do, is to advocate pretence and hypocrisy. This is for the purpose of plaster over the cracks, in the ceiling of its institutionalise racism. Even in politically correct circles, and it was over looked by so called, black progressive thinkers. If by chance, you don't agree, with someone sexual habits, who happens to be of a different race. The first line of defence, is usually, what if I hate you because you are black. As much as I hate all forms of bigotry: It is also an insult, for anyone to put their sexual habits, on the same plain and parallel, as our peoples wish to be free. There are people of all races, with all differences preferences of sexual habits.
During the 60's and 70's this racism was more obvious, it was not hard to spot, a racist teacher for example. In the late 60's and 70's going to school in Brent, was an eye opener. I could remember my first technical drawing lesson,racist on at Aylestone School in Kensal Rise.
The first thing the teacher did was to look at the register to see how many Patel was in it. From there it was
Patel raise your hands, one Patel, two Patel, three Patel four Patel, which Patel is missing.
After taking the register, it was down to explaining the subject, could not believe what I was seeing or hearing. He then cleans the board, and started drawing, an Asian man with a basket, with a snake and a rope up to the sky.
Then there was the monkey, going up a coconut tree, then he turns to the class no Indian rope tricks or West Indian projection.
Over the last few weeks or so we've seen one football pundit sacked and another resign over remarks made and rightfully so. However it is nothing in comparison, to what we as school kids had to go through, in British schools.
The education system, police force, and governments are the main cause of the problems, they are trying to solve today. Today's parents are the same kids, you demoralised and abused in the 60's and 70's. The trust you are looking for, is the trust you burnt, many many years ago.
This is why in the face of growing crime, the will always be a reluctant to deal with authority. In light of this stop putting all blame on black parents and black communities. It's time you get it, in simple words: 
You are not trusted by children, parent, grand parert and even great grands.


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