Wednesday, January 26, 2011


With George Osborne blaming the weather for the 0.5 per cent contraction, of the British economy, many questions are to be ask. The most important is he up for the task, to deal with the grave economical situation. We have a government that;s asking the people and the opposition what to do. This is nothing more than a big joke. They have spend long enough in opposition, so what were their plans. The truth or the matter, is that they had none, and are nothing more than a guess work government.
There is now talk about stagflation, we can now add Plumbonomic to the equation. The latter may get use out of the mess the country is in and things may straighten out.
Plumbonomic is not hard to understand, if you go in to most houses radiators are placed under windows. The reason for this is that the heat from the radiator warms up the air: Therefore the hottest part of the room will be the ceiling, and the floor the coolest. However if the radiator is placed on the wall opposite, two atmospheres will be created in that room. In this case the laws of physics will have an opposing force, whereas the primary case, takes advantage of the laws of physics. Doing so has many benefits, it saves money in heating bills, respect the laws of physics, while creating equilibrium, for comfort.
The most important commodity in Plumbonomic is water, or if as look as water as the currency, reaching every household. In many households the flow of that water is intermittent. In such cases the right thing to do is to the means to pump more water into these households. Instead what the government is finding ways and means, too empty their header tanks.
The way to pump more water into households is not by creating more unemployment buy by creating employment. The bankers and MPs, have hung their radiators, on the opposite wall, and are hugging up all, the heat.
The planned cuts in Plumbonomic terms are like, going in and ripping out all the lead and copper and replacing it, with substandard materials, or none at all.

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