Sunday, January 30, 2011

Burnt Trust

The way many black parent think or look at establishments are drawn from experience. We may think with all the political correctness spin, racism is on the back burner, far from it. All it as serve to do, is to advocate pretence and hypocrisy. This is for the purpose of plaster over the cracks, in the ceiling of its institutionalise racism. Even in politically correct circles, and it was over looked by so called, black progressive thinkers. If by chance, you don't agree, with someone sexual habits, who happens to be of a different race. The first line of defence, is usually, what if I hate you because you are black. As much as I hate all forms of bigotry: It is also an insult, for anyone to put their sexual habits, on the same plain and parallel, as our peoples wish to be free. There are people of all races, with all differences preferences of sexual habits.
During the 60's and 70's this racism was more obvious, it was not hard to spot, a racist teacher for example. In the late 60's and 70's going to school in Brent, was an eye opener. I could remember my first technical drawing lesson,racist on at Aylestone School in Kensal Rise.
The first thing the teacher did was to look at the register to see how many Patel was in it. From there it was
Patel raise your hands, one Patel, two Patel, three Patel four Patel, which Patel is missing.
After taking the register, it was down to explaining the subject, could not believe what I was seeing or hearing. He then cleans the board, and started drawing, an Asian man with a basket, with a snake and a rope up to the sky.
Then there was the monkey, going up a coconut tree, then he turns to the class no Indian rope tricks or West Indian projection.
Over the last few weeks or so we've seen one football pundit sacked and another resign over remarks made and rightfully so. However it is nothing in comparison, to what we as school kids had to go through, in British schools.
The education system, police force, and governments are the main cause of the problems, they are trying to solve today. Today's parents are the same kids, you demoralised and abused in the 60's and 70's. The trust you are looking for, is the trust you burnt, many many years ago.
This is why in the face of growing crime, the will always be a reluctant to deal with authority. In light of this stop putting all blame on black parents and black communities. It's time you get it, in simple words: 
You are not trusted by children, parent, grand parert and even great grands.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


With George Osborne blaming the weather for the 0.5 per cent contraction, of the British economy, many questions are to be ask. The most important is he up for the task, to deal with the grave economical situation. We have a government that;s asking the people and the opposition what to do. This is nothing more than a big joke. They have spend long enough in opposition, so what were their plans. The truth or the matter, is that they had none, and are nothing more than a guess work government.
There is now talk about stagflation, we can now add Plumbonomic to the equation. The latter may get use out of the mess the country is in and things may straighten out.
Plumbonomic is not hard to understand, if you go in to most houses radiators are placed under windows. The reason for this is that the heat from the radiator warms up the air: Therefore the hottest part of the room will be the ceiling, and the floor the coolest. However if the radiator is placed on the wall opposite, two atmospheres will be created in that room. In this case the laws of physics will have an opposing force, whereas the primary case, takes advantage of the laws of physics. Doing so has many benefits, it saves money in heating bills, respect the laws of physics, while creating equilibrium, for comfort.
The most important commodity in Plumbonomic is water, or if as look as water as the currency, reaching every household. In many households the flow of that water is intermittent. In such cases the right thing to do is to the means to pump more water into these households. Instead what the government is finding ways and means, too empty their header tanks.
The way to pump more water into households is not by creating more unemployment buy by creating employment. The bankers and MPs, have hung their radiators, on the opposite wall, and are hugging up all, the heat.
The planned cuts in Plumbonomic terms are like, going in and ripping out all the lead and copper and replacing it, with substandard materials, or none at all.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Quite often we hear it commonly said, that the cause for youth crimes is because of the lack of role models. The other word that I would fittingly use is influence, something that starts from the time a child is born. Kids are best  influence during the stage of innocence, for example they can cope with more than one languages.  The first people to influence a child are their parents, they need to see their parents reading. They observe what's around them and soak it in. If there's music they'll dance, if there are books they'll read, if you know what I mean. I must hasten to add, with help and guidance from there parent, dancing or reading with them.
The reason for doing this is to equip your children before he or she start school, it will also give you great self satisfaction.
Self satisfaction, to teach or to make money are the key motivators for learning. Therefore as a parent if believe they are not confident to teach their children. The positive view is to see as your prime motivator, to
reeducating yourself, this will give you great satisfaction.
When I hear some say, the black kids don't have enough black role, that is just a red herring. That's an excuse thrown at us by the racist society in which we live.
Role models does not come in colours, you can be inspired to become a teacher by your white teacher, doctor by your Asian doctor or what ever you want to be, someone of any colour.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Social experiments of governments

The way we view ourselves are determined by the establishment such as politician and media etc. Some of the analysis aimed us concerning youth behavior is often are absent fathers and role models, to mention a few. This is an attempt by politician and media to pass the buck without looking at history.
We ourselves have failed to look at this issue in an progressive manner, and simple subscribing to the hype.
We may pretend and hide the fact the we came from brutal parents, which many young men and women were running from during the 70's. It was with this backdrop the families of today were started. Put yourself in the shoes of a young woman, trying to escape a brutal parent. The only option back then to have a child to gain a place to live, this was housing policy and advice.
The problem we see today is not because of fathers or role models, but the social experiments of governments. What we are seeing is the product of that social experiments, for which they must accept responsibility. The hand washing would does not address the problems, an absent fathers is a dead father. We must reject this argument, and looking at the issue historically, to allow our self to come to our own conclusion.
What we must do, is to ask ourselves why, instead of allowing others such as the politician and media, to impose their views on us. We live in different worlds from the politician and media, who feeds the appitite of the public and readers.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Killing Aspiration

Waste of taxpayerÕs money
The lib/Dems cannot be considered an irrelevant political party, if not idiotic force. When Simon Hughes who didn't voted with the government to raise tutorial fees, now takes a clown post, you can only laugh. In a time of cuts, this is a waste of taxpayerÕs money to create such a post. People already know the importance of education that's why the students have taken to the streets.
What Simon Hughes should be saying, is that the Vince Cable bill, make no mathematical sense. What the bill actually does is kill the aspiration of students, and encourages a wage limit. You don't have to be an economics expert to understand this, the math's simple.
What they tell you are you would not have to pay back any thing until you start owning £21,000.
Leaving the fees at £3000, will be more affordable, and cross the £21,000, will generate taxes.
If there's a problem with funding universities, we have a bank; it's called Northern Rock. Who do they sponsor: Newcastle United football club. Northern Rock is the peoples bank and shouldn't be sold.
Simon Hughes should be saying, Northern Rock the sould be foundation of the nations education, that must give loans to student. The bank should be giving loans at a reasonable interest rate Instead. we see he has a price after sitting on the fence during the vote.