Sunday, September 28, 2008

Credit Crunch

Implement the socialist way:-

Nationalisation Without Compensation.

With Gordon Brown declaring the job of PM is not for a novice,
I ask myself when is he going to call a general election so the people
can decide his faith.
This novice government with a decade of novice experience have
lost the plot.
With Bradford and Bingley set to be nationalised lets hope that
it is not done in the same way as Northern Rock.
Think of the amount of money that the government have pumped into
Northern Rock is like giving blood a corpse.
That money could have gone into a fund to help the poor to save their homes.
While MP's have two homes and more (funded by the tax payer).
The struggles many families faces are to keep one home.
The problems are great, one of the biggest pitfall of this government is
men with a man for a wife are making laws and offering solutions
without the necessary experience in real family life.
What's needed is a government that understands the working class.
If that's not the case can you imagine the left adapting the slogan?
New Labour Pink fascist Out Out Out.
It's no good going across the pond where the same mistakes are been made, do what the a pro like Mugabe would do (Nationalisation Without Compensation).

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