Thursday, November 25, 2010

The real criminal

The student are not the criminals the press and government are making out they are. Therefore they are to be supported, by the public and even the police. Lets face it neither the student demonstrators or police forces behave in the way in which we see in other parts of the world.
When we see students burning government buildings in places like Iran our press and governments justifies it. If that is correct then why condemn our student, the only act we'll need to condemn is if our police force act in the same manner.
The real criminal in this situation is Nick Clegg who lied to the kids. What Clegg did was promised the virgin voters ice cream, with a flake. What this did was rape them of their vote and now he's expecting them to suck a penny Tip Top instead.
There is only three roads left for Clegg and his party, one is to resign as deputy PM. The other is that he and all his party MPs in parliament call bye elections so we can have a government with a clear mandate to rule. What is needed is one person, one vote for one party, not held to ransom power hungry party. A power hungry party lead by Clegg who have sold our kids down the river.
They say we are all in it together, that is true, but Clegg , his ruling party along with the bankers are in a different world. The world they want us to live in is cesspit, constructed like swimming pool: Which starts from knee height and elevates above most of our heads.
Clegg needs too do the right thing and fall on his sword, as a parent he should know you do not lie to kids. It is the lies he told the kids that has return to haunt him and his party. Clegg needs to sort things by April the first, because students are already talking about, April the 29th as a demo date (Clegg will be the one to blame).

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