Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Economical Revolution

The industrial revolution is practically dead in the western societies, the made in Britain is more or lest no more. The main reason for this is greed, a greed which encourages cheap labour. While most companies makes large profits for their shareholders, the hardship or the people increases. What this does is repeat the errors of the industrial revolution, which kept wealth within a small selected circle. This failure is cause by the suppression of an economical revolution which should generate wealth to the poor. What we have, as we are seeing today, is that the poor will be forced to shoulder the burden of their errors.
The new collision will tell us that we are all in it together, I suppose we can all turn up for the wetting of the new No.10 baby's head. We are not in it together, they live worlds apart from us, making the rules to suit themselves. They have their media such as LBC, playing with the mentality of the people. If you look at at the radio station mention, which covers many different topics. They sing the song for cheap labour, and turning the poor against the poor. They have their Nick Farrari's to brain wash the people, that it's their fault for all their problems  This is a ploy to keep you looking at your neighbours, this is something you would associate with the communist countries of the pass. The whole idea that you already have people employ to go through peoples garbage is sickening. The big sick society is design to take away the little pride that is left in people. the tell us we should take any job, We should have no problem, so long it's a real job paying wages, and we don't have to go through the top up bureaucracy.
If you look at LBC presenters you'll notice there are no Asians or Africans working as a presenters.
The economical problems we face have nothing to do with people on benefits, but the failure to pay a wage that people can live on. The minimum wage is way out of date, and drives people from the work place.

They need to live in the real world job creation is not about superstores and such likes, paying unlivable wages. The is an incentive to commit crimes and choose immoral ways to make ends meet. Referring to people as scroungers over looks the fact that a capitalist society can not guarantee full employment. This is something the governments of the world know, this fracture is what the big society theory is designed to plaster over. In fact what the big society adds up to is using bonding or finish plaster on an outside wall instead of sand and cement.
The real estate market, bankers and government detachment from ordinary people is a major factor in the mess we find ourselves in. House prices and rates are too high while wages are too low, therefore there's no room left for growth. It the kids of the poor want to buy a house how will they achieve that by working. If you want start a small business, how will you compete with the superstores and pay their rates. If we compare the American housing market to the British it needs to be readjusted. The price of our bricks and mortar is like board houses, while many American homes are like over priced cardboard boxes.
It would take an economical revolution which is designed to bail out the people. It is the only route to regenerate growth, and create a morally fairer society. It would not hurt companies like tesco to pay its workers £10.00 per hour. This is not something they'll do and is clear evidence that we are not all is this together. Yet these are the types of businesses that are models for David Cameron big society. These are the companies that have driven out many high street and small business. Taxing these selfish operations, can help to fund the economical revolution.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Strangulation Of Black History

The Strangulation Of Black History

The next thing most black people will be engaged in is black history month, which is important o us all. One of the most frequent statements I hear is they didn't teach black history at school. This is an unacceptable statement, which is directed at the education authorities. The reason why I believe this is wrong is because the teaching is more sensitive than even sex education. Like sex education there are parts of our history, which is the sole duty of we as parents to relay to our children.
The reason why many of us are lacking in the knowledge of our history lies with our parents. The greatest obstacle in us exploring our history lies with the first we were allowed to read after the abolishing of slavery. We as a people cling to the bible as the only toy of deprived children. The bible is not our history, but we have in fact embraced someone else's history, and myth as our own. If you were to read Dickens you would have a fairly good idea what life was like living in the UK during that period. The fact still remains that the works of Dickens is still fiction. The bible is no different in relationship to the Jewish people, with extreme supernatural fiction.
The point I making is if you or I as parents are prepared to lie to our children, due to ignorance or our history we have no reason to blame school teachers. What gives us the confidence to think that if we were taught black history in a C of E or a RC school, it would have been progressive? These are faiths, which were built on extreme racism, and the fact that we know this should have driven us to seek out our history. What we did instead was created an apartheid and segregation of the said faith, which was responsible for committing the greatest crimes against us as a people. One of the most noticeable factors is that every religion there is a third party. If you're not affiliating to these third parties, your faith is of no value. This is put in place to prevent us from thinking for ourselves, and leave ourselves vulnerable to a corrupt forces. Third parties serves one and only one purpose, and that is to prevent you from knowing and meeting the main man.
If you are reading this with alarm, it might just prove the point that the bible is the core element preventing us from functioning as an independent people. The fact is that we will always be seeing things through another people's eyes. We make history every day, and one of the most important, and yet ignored fact is that our faith is a borrowed one. So long as we continue to ignore that fact we will always be blinded to our true history. The psychological effect of the deprived child with its only toy becomes apparent. We are programmed not to question that which is written within the bible, the reason for this is to stifle and progressive thinking, which may arise. The historically lead to many of our great leaders and teachers to face prosecution by the powers that be. In other words the bible is the ultimate chip, which was place in our brain and is still in activation mode today. Your reaction will be proof of how well the chip is still working, and will conform whether or not you are ready to take in both the beautiful and even the ugly parts of your history.

(Without the knowledge of your history you cannot determine your destiny)