Saturday, August 15, 2009

Food For Thoughts

It's been a while since I added anything to this page, but I was waiting for the world to catch up.
To open your mind to another view is something but when I write what I write I learnt that he truth is the hardest to digest bout yourself.
The reason why that is so is because; we were influenced trough all stages of our lives.
We were taught the way we do it is the way it should be done, by doing so we stand in the way of change.
Yet we still call for a better way, for example the whole health care debate.
One of the things I find strange is that many of those opposed to health care in America proclaim to be Christians.
Well you would think that they would be in the forefront supporting a plan, a plan that will extend health for the less better off.
To say that, you'll be saying that compassion is not a Christian thing.
If Christ is the great healer and Luke was his physician, why be oppose
health care.
Denial of health care is a form of torture, and should part and parcel of the declaration of rights.
It would be the right thing to do, nor matter what faith or colour you're, above all it will be the right humanly thing to do.
What is obvious is many people are caught up between a faith and touring party lines rather than working out what is the humanly thing to do.
Many of those politician are not for the people but act as agents for the pharmaceutical companies.
The pharmaceutical companies are a law onto themselves and holding all the cards stacked in their favour.
While we as the public give charitable for researches, there are the vultures lurking in the background.
The pharmaceutical companies are no different from the bankers and MPs, who don't care whether you lose your homes or in this case your life.
The saving of banks and the motor manufactures, can't be more important than the saving of lives.
With the resent attacks on the health service by leading Tories, we must ask ourselves if they are the Jekyll and Hide party.
We most also ask ourselves if its leader, is actually in charge or he is just the face of a political stunt.
It seams as if Conservatives here and across the pond, spend time opposing without having any practical solutions.