Friday, October 3, 2008

The Wall Street Jungle

The financial market of Wall Street can be compared to the jungle.
A jungle where the trees have grown very very tall, the sad thing about
the jungle of wall street is that the trees are hollow inside, now is a matter letting nature take its course.
In this economical and ecological climate it might be a good idea to let the and other such hollow trees fall, to make way for new growth.
We must accept that the dollar is no longer a viable currency to do business and means are now essential.
Yes there will be mass unemployment but we will just have to live with it.
Here in Britain measures have been to slow down the process by raising the school leaving age.
So by the time the people of this country change its government there will be a rise in unemployment.
It was way back in the early seventies I had put the same argument to Brian of the then London weekend television, the program was never aired.
It's not complicated it's very basic, imagine the amount of people on the dole and a year later a rush for jobs from people leaving school।
What we'll have is the same situation we had in the seventies, by then the people have forgotten and the Tories will shoulder the blame for bad Labour policies.
Although I'm not opposing the raising of school leaving age but the Labour party putting the cart in front of the horse.
The important thing to do is to bring city and Guilds training into schools which will give the kids a chance when they do leave school.
The college will not loose out but will be able to deal with other aspect of higher education.
In the same way if those hollow trees fall it will let the sun in for new growth to take place.
The car manufacturers of America have two choices merge or fall, it make no sense them not doing so.
The rejecting of the rescue deal, is the right thing to do, it will only create an artificial market, if Fords cars cant sell it's a waste of time of them trading.
That market is nothing more than a show room one and one that can't be saved.